Radiotherapy UK

Amber does Miles4Radiotherapy 2023

Amber Gratton

Amber Gratton

Amber Gratton
Fundraising as part of team: Hull Oncology

My Story

1 in 4 of us will need radiotherapy at some point in our lifetime and yet radiotherapy treatment receives only 5% of the UK cancer budget.

I'm a recently appointed Macmillan Radiotherapy Team Leader based at Castle Hill Hospital (CHH) and the start of Miles4Radiotherapy (01/07/23) marks my 4-year anniversary of starting my role as a therapeutic radiographer!

Please support me in raising money to help fund support for vital radiotherapy services. I'll be logging as many miles a day as I can and uploading the evidence through Strava/Fitbit screenshots.

I'm so proud of the work that we do in radiotherapy and of my CHH team that make increasingly complex and numerous treatments possible, but radiotherapy absolutely needs a helping hand. We might be a profession that is hidden away in lead-lined bunkers, but we deserve our time in the limelight. Our service is so precious for those that need us. 

Dedicated to all my patients, to Dougie and to my grandparents. 



  • Target
  • Raised so far
  • Number of donors

My Story

1 in 4 of us will need radiotherapy at some point in our lifetime and yet radiotherapy treatment receives only 5% of the UK cancer budget.

I'm a recently appointed Macmillan Radiotherapy Team Leader based at Castle Hill Hospital (CHH) and the start of Miles4Radiotherapy (01/07/23) marks my 4-year anniversary of starting my role as a therapeutic radiographer!

Please support me in raising money to help fund support for vital radiotherapy services. I'll be logging as many miles a day as I can and uploading the evidence through Strava/Fitbit screenshots.

I'm so proud of the work that we do in radiotherapy and of my CHH team that make increasingly complex and numerous treatments possible, but radiotherapy absolutely needs a helping hand. We might be a profession that is hidden away in lead-lined bunkers, but we deserve our time in the limelight. Our service is so precious for those that need us. 

Dedicated to all my patients, to Dougie and to my grandparents.